
Comprehensive changelog for Premium URL Shortener. Active development since 2012 with 600+ additions and counting. Current stable version is 7.6

Version 7.6
March 19, 2025
OAuth support for admin to link other application
Multiple API key system with the option to choose permission
Deep Link support for Airbnb and AliExpress
Better chart system for the dashboard
Ability to choose different social icons for Bio Pages
Ability to upload videos in Bio Pages
Ability to upload audio in Bio Pages
Ability to auto-create Bio Page via the Bio Page feature page
Ability to define file extensions and sizes directly from admin panel
Global Statistic pages
Dashboard Statistic pages
Paddle Billing
Homepage and feature pages - added more animations and details
Bio Page blocks sorting system
Various UI Improvements across the script
Updated various libraries like FontAwesome
Various core features improvements
An issue with QR code filtering
Various small issues

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.6. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.5.4
December 20, 2024
Deep Link support for Yelp, Wolt and GrubHub
Paddle Billing
Ability to filter links by channels
Various features have been improved
An issue where Bio Page blocks targeting options were empty

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.5.4. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.5.3
November 12, 2024
An issue where some bio pages were returning a 404 on some servers has been fixed

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.5.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.5.2
November 12, 2024
New animations to the homepage
Ability to set the main menu to be fixed
Ability to get API code for Python and C#
LinkedIn post widget has been added for Bio pages
Ability to search for links via the API
Admin text editor has been updated to latest version with new features such as color picker
Ability to create automatic deep links for eligible links via API
Ability to set to the campaign id via API
Links API short parameter has been improved
Admin plugin page has been improved and loads significantly faster
Sitemap index file has been improved
Crawler database has been updated
Custom page styling has been improved to respect the styles from the text editor
Various small code improvements
An issue where Bio Pages could not be re-assigned to other users
An issue where embedded QR code logo would show up as overlay in some instances
An issue where public QR code logo would not show up when CDN is enabled

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.5.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.5.1
October 8, 2024
Ability to set QR code limits on a monthly basis
Option to set a disclaimer for all form-based blocks and CTA overlays
Users can now set their own disclaimer for blocks like the contact form and newsletter on Bio Pages and on CTA overlays. If set the acceptance to the disclaimer will become mandatory before for submission.
Support for Youtube user page containing @ in deep links
CTA overlays UI
Channel items UI
An issue where the social links were not saved in new Bio Pages
An issue where the logo was shown twice due to cache

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.5.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.5
September 29, 2024
Dynamic music & booking links widget for Bio Pages
Photo support for dynamic QR vCard
Photo support for Bio Page vCard
Ability to add custom links for Bio Page vCard
Better user selection for filtering and assigning
Different sitemaps for main site, links and bio pages
The old sitemap.xml is now an index for all other sitemaps.
Extensive spam check for all contact forms (API check + Validation)
Dynamic teams permission system so it can be updated from plugins
Custom favicons for Bio Pages
New Verify Link page so users can verify short links
Better QR code and Bio Page filtering
Mollie payment processor
Ability to assign description and status to links via API
Ability to view Bio Page contact form emails in Bio Page > Data and reply easily
QR generation process to use less dependency
Domains API so it shows all available domains including system domains
Bio Page editor core
Bio Page editor is now much faster and easier to manage.
URL detection and validation
DeepL translation to use less memory and be much faster
Redirection timer to redirect faster when using custom meta images and/or pixels
Facebook Auth
Link banning system
Script core and various elements
User activity logging
Notification system
Resource upload process so they are uploaded to sub-folders
Various minor elements
An issue with logo when switching from light to dark scheme
Inconsistent QR logo size
Various minor issues

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.5. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.4.4
July 9, 2024
Link validation system to work with links having many accents
An issue with activity logs
An issue with change plan feature (admin)
An issue with editing IP log email template

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.4.4. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.4.3
July 1, 2024
Custom notifications with the ability to target users or plans
Ability to log important events, such as password change or failed 2FA
Ability to receive an email with a login is detected from a new IP
Ability to logout out of all devices
Ability to export selected links
Built-in Phishtank API
Ability to view recent activity and filter them
Ability to disabled Bio Page widgets from admin panel
Facebook auth as it now uses a custom library
Domain blacklisting
Various UI
Plugin marketplace
Various elements
An issue with duplicated Bio Pages
Various minor issues

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.4.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.4.2
May 13, 2024
Ability to upload images for Bio Page links or use Emojis
QR Code readability warning when logo is too large
Ability to cancel PayPal subscriptions via the admin panel
PayPal API to ignore duplicate requests
An issue where only starred channels were shown
An issue where deleting users + data caused an error 500
An issue where Facebook login did not work on PHP 8.2+

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.4.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.4.1
May 3, 2024
An issue with the sidebar not being sticky anymore
An issue where the team selector was hidden under other blocks.

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.4.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.4
May 1, 2024
Keyboard shortcut to shorten links from any dashboard pages (CTRL+K)
Users can now press CTRL+K to trigger a quick shortener from any dashboard pages.
Automatic deep links when a link from supported provider is shortened
The script will now automatically convert eligible links to their associated deep links when you enable Deep Linking.
Embedded QR code logos
You can now embed logo directly in the QR code instead of overlay.
Bulk QR code generator
You can now generate QR codes in bulk for text and link type.
Ability to download QR codes in bulk
You can now download QR codes in bulk as zip.
Marketplace in admin panel
Ability to upload custom testimonial avatars
Ability to enable language selector in the top menu
Ability to filter users by billing country
Ability to send email to users by billing country
Ability to reassign QR codes and Bio Pages from admin
Ability to toggle the verified badge per Bio Page
Ability to set API rate per plan
Robots.txt generator in admin panel
Ability to view and filter activity for individual links in stats page
Bio Pages and made the saving process easier
Bio page blocks now have a Save button and will not auto-save on change. This has been modified so fewer requests are sent to the server hence increase performance. Other changes like theme and options still trigger autosave.
Downgrade system
Users who downgrade now lose access to resources. They will only see resources (links, qr codes, bio pages, etc) that are allowed in their plan.
Dashboard UI along with various new elements like search
The23 homepage and feature pages
The23 checkout page
Ability to add company name and tax id
Stripe payments and added ability to include tax id on Stripe invoices
PayPal API
Affiliate system
Admin various admin dashboard elements
Sitemap to show all pages in all languages
Admin searches
Installer UI
A bug with the affiliate system where under some conditions, it would not apply payment when approving the request
Various minor bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.4. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.3.4
February 9, 2024
An issue where the device was not being detected properly

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.3.4. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.3.3
February 5, 2024
Blog grid option for the23
Premium alias TXT file
If you have many aliases you want to reserve, you can now add a TXT file instead of adding them one by one.
Ability to dynamically fill login, registration and forgot password forms via parameters
Ability to delete plugins
Admin Panel
User affiliate page
Wasabi CDN
Bio Page as domain root button click issue
Various UI elements
Sensitive message not showing on bio pages by default
Transparent QR background when using frames
Minor issues

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.3.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.3.2
January 12, 2024
Bio Page as branded domain root
You can now set your branded domain root to show a select Bio Page instead of redirecting to another url.
Ability to edit ownership of short links via the admin panel
Ability to create a child theme for other themes than the default
You will just need to set child = THEMENAME instead of true in the theme config.json file.
PayPal API
Various UI elements
An issue with coupon overlay color
An issue with FAQs Bio Page widget
Minor issues

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.3.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.3.1
December 20, 2023
An issue where the splash matrix in qr code was causing an error
An issue where the Paystack payment was causing an error

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.3.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.3
December 19, 2023
Public QR Generator in QR feature page
If enabled, users can now generate free qr codes with limited features.
Ability to set a default logo for QR codes
You can now set a default logo for free users and anonymous users.
PayStack payment processor
Ability to set percentage or fixed amount affiliate commission and frequency
Ability to use username as affiliate tag or user id
Ability to remove social networks and sort them in Bio Pages
Whatsapp, Viber and Spotify in Bio Pages Social Networks
Support for Spotify Albums
Ability to request a 2FA Reset
Ability to search for a short url via API
Ability to easily localize site title and description via language editor
Ability to set Deep Link, Channel, Pixels via Link API
Ability to reset system cache in admin > tools
Ability to set Custom CSS in Bio Pages as a feature
Ability to set Custom Logo in QR Code as a feature
Ability to set Frames in QR Code as a feature
QR feature page
Bio Page feature page
Custom pages UI
Pricing page for the default theme
System core
Various UI elements
An issue with the blog menu when there are too many categories
An issue with the email type for QR codes
Various small issues

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.2.1
November 9, 2023
Bio Page Widgets
An issue where the Bio Page preview was not sticking correctly on smaller screens
An issue campaigns rotator was not working if a url was not active
The create new coupon button was missing
A/B testing overriding the main link in some instances

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.2.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.2
November 1, 2023
Deep linking for Links
OpenTable Widget for Bio Pages
Eventbrite Widget for Bio Pages
Snapchat Widget for Bio Pages
Ability search Bio Page widgets
Ability to limit Bio Page blocks per country
Ability to limit Bio Page blocks per language
Ability to schedule Bio Page blocks
Ability to gate Bio Page link block for sensitive content
Ability to gate Bio Page link block for newsletter subscription
Ability to toggle off Bio Page block
A new share icon for Bio pages with QR code
FontAwesome 6 support for Bio Pages
Ability to limit links count monthly in plans
Ability to limit coupons per plan
Ability to limit generate vouchers in bulk
X Social Media (Previously Twitter)
Ability to choose domain for campaigns
Various Bio Page widgets
Bio Page system core
Various UI elements
Performance and caching
Various libraries (updated)
Various small issues

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.1.2
September 11, 2023
Anonymous Users History Support for The23
Google Maps Bio Widget
FAQS Bio Widget
Various Bio Page Widgets
Maintenance Mode
Private Mode
PHP 8.2 Support
An issue with affiliate links
An Issue with pie graph on campaign stats

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.1.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.1.1
August 24, 2023
An issue where QR codes would return blank on some specific of servers

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.1.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.1
August 23, 2023
QR Code Frames
You can now add Frames to your QR codes
Advanced QR Codes for all server types
Users without Imagick/RSVG can now use advanced QR code generation.
Application Type in QR Code
Users can now generate QR code and redirect to the correct app store based on the user's device
Calendly Bio Widget
Threads Post Bio Widget
TikTok Profile Bio Widget
Support for Spotify Podcasts
Threads Social Link in Bio
Request Verification Email
Users can now request a new verification email if they have not activated their account yet and admin can send it manually via the admin panel.
FontAwesome Version 6
Unsubscribe link when using Newsletter List
New Email Lists
Top Cities in Stats Page
The23 Auto Mode Scheme Detection
QR Feature Page
Affiliate Tracking
RTL Support
Various UI Elements
Blog & Page CDN Image Upload
Various small bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.0.2
August 7, 2023
RTL issues
CDN issue
Avatar issue

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.0.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.0.1
August 4, 2023
Dark Mode Logo
Ability to define domains per plan
Ability to customize short link QR codes
Icon issue on Default Theme
Small issues on The23 Theme

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.0.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 7.0
August 3, 2023
Say Hello to 'The23' - A new free premium theme
Ability to Translate Emails
Localized URL (/en/, /fr/ etc)
Custom Themes for Bio Pages
Animated Themes for Bio Pages
Typeform Widget for Bio Pages
Reddit Widget for Bio Pages
Reddit Pinterest for Bio Pages
Support for Emojis in FAQS
In-Dashboard Link Statistics
Mailgun Support
Sendgrid Support
Postmark Support
Mailchimp/Mandrill Support
Ability to add a banner so users can contact for a custom plan
Ability to affiliate links on any pages
Ability to translate dates
Ability to close system registration and only use social media
Ability to shorten site's links as admin
Ability to change upload file sizes and extensions in app/config/app.php
Bio Pages
Dashboard UI
Various UI Elements
Overall Core
Security Features
Plugin System
Cloud Storage/CDN System
Various small bugs
Small features throughout the script

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 7.0. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.9.2
March 27, 2023
BackBlaze B2 Storage
Bio Pages
An issue where the logo was not removed on live site in some instances
An issue product widget was not showing other fields

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.9.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.9.1
March 20, 2023
An issue color picker was not showing when editing a QR code
An issue social icons where not linked properly in Bio Pages

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.9.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.9
March 19, 2023
Bio Page auto-save
Bio Page layouts
Bio Page phone
Bio Page Whatsapp message
Bio Page FAQs widget
Expirations as a feature
Expiration by clicks with the ability to define an expired link
A/B Testing and rotator
Ability to remove branding as a feature
Bulk assign pixels
Ability to define custom color codes for QR codes
Ability to filter and search QR codes
Bio Pages UI & UX
Bio Pages core
Geo-targeting for states
Cron Jobs
Core framework
Various UI
Vendors (updated)
An issue where files types were not synced correctly when using CDN
An issue verification files were not shown when using CDN
Various minor issues

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.9. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.8.2
January 3, 2023
3D Secure & 3D Secure 2 for Stripe Payments
Stripe payments requiring 3D Secure or 3D Secure 2 will now popup a window so users can verify their payments. In some cases of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) where authentication is not possible, a window with an invoice will popup so users can complete the payment on Stripe's website.
Link to QR Code in Exported CSV
Exported CSV now includes a link to the QR code
Image Upload in CKEditor
Images added using CKEditor's Image tool will now be uploaded to the server and automatically linked to the post.
Full Page Script
Core Framework
Site title from user Bio Pages
User Bio Pages will not append the site title anymore.
Multiple domains not showing
Admin-added domains were not showing to users when "shorten with root domain" was enabled.
Google Font resetting on each reload
Google Font set in Admin > General Settings was resetting on page reload.
Various minor issues

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.8.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.8.1
December 19, 2022
CKEditor 5 not loading
CKEditor 5 was not compiled in the previous version.
Google Font not loading
Google Font set in Admin > General Settings was not loading properly if cookie consent was enabled.

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.8.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.8
December 17, 2022
New Teams System
The new teams system allows users to be in multiple teams and have their own account. You will see a new icon next to the avatar in the dashboard where you can switch workspace.
All Libraries Locally
The script will not use any external libraries anymore. All libraries are now shipped locally.
All Fonts Locally
The script will not use any external fonts anymore, except the optional one defined in the admin General Settings.
Mass Import as a Feature
You can now add CSV import as a feature. The script will import 100 links directly and if the file contains more than that, it will process them in the background via the new cron in Admin > Crons. The importer can be found in Tools & Integrations > Import Links
Option to disable Gravatar
You can now disable Gravatar for users in Admin > User Settings
Wasabi Storage
Default OG Image
You can now set a default OG image for all pages in Admin > Themes > Settings
Core & Libraries for PHP 8.1
The script now fully supports PHP 8.1. Please note that as of the next major update (i.e 6.9), we will stop supporting PHP 7.4 and will require a minimum of PHP 8.0.
Slack Integration
Slack integration will now respond when a user uninstalls the app via slack.
Cookie Consent
The script now uses a new Cookie Consent widget and will load assets/widgets based on the cookie settings.
The bookmarklet will now be faster and does not need jQuery.
Text/HTML editors
RTL Support
Various UI Elements
Various Minor Issues

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.8. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.7.3
October 30, 2022
Hooks for Links
This will allow plugins to have more control on short links.
Plugin & Theme System
This will make it easier to update plugins & themes.
Vouchers so it can be redeemed without a credit card on file
An issue with QR Transparency on some older Imagick version
An issue users on a free plans cannot shorten links in some instances

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.7.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.7.2
October 28, 2022
Custom button text to Bio Page vCard
Help menu link still point to faq
An issue where Stripe checkout would trigger vouchers
An issue with splash page

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.7.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.7.1
October 26, 2022
QR logo size & management
An issue with pricing tables where the tick & x were reversed

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.7.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.7
October 26, 2022
Dedicated Multilingual Help Center
FAQs have now become a dedicated multilingual help center with their own categories, search system and dedicated help page.
QR Code Advanced Styling
You can now customize QR codes with new matrix, eye & eye frame styles and assign different colors to each part (imagick).
QR Code Transparency
You can now generate transparent QR codes.
QR Code Logo Size & Error Correction
You can now define a logo size for the QR.
Multilingual Blogging System
Blogs are now fully multilingual with dedicated categories and posts. Categories and posts will change based on the selected language automatically.
Multilingual Paging System
Pages are now fully multilingual. Pages in menu will now change based on the selected language automatically.
If you have subscriptions enabled, your users can now redeem vouchers. This allow you to offer a specific plan for a period of time.
Native Object Storage/CDN Support
The framework is now natively integrated with CDNs allowing you to automatically upload all files to Object Storages, delete files from Object Storages and sync uploads with a signal click. It supports AWS S3, Digitalocean Spaces, Cloudflare R2 Storage, Vultr Objects & Contabo Storage. You can set it up in Admin > Advanced Settings.
Moved away from Paddle checkout redirects because of how unreliable Paddle checkouts are. Now when paying with Paddle, a checkout form will pop out, allowing users to complete subscription/purchase right there.
Cloudflare Turnstile Captcha
Event Type QR
You can now generate event QR codes.
Zip code, Cellphone & Fax to vCard in QR & Bio
Table Pricing & Improved List Pricing
You can now choose between a refreshed list pricing page or table pricing page in Themes > Settings.
Ability to manually approve subscriptions
Ability to unverify users
Ability to override the default English language
Ability to assign domains to more than one user via the admin panel
Mass block short links & long links via the Admin > Reported Links
Blog & Help Types for Ads and {{--ad--}} short code for blog posts.
Slack Integration
Upgraded Slack API & added more interactivity. You can now request help on how to use the integration directly from Slack and you can request last 5 clicks for a short link again directly from Slack.
Pricing Page FAQs
Pricing page faqs are now multilingual as well. It will change based on the language the user has selected.
Language translation tool
Optimized language translation tool so it uses less memory.
Blog System UI
Captcha System to be extended via Plugins
Dark Mode
Various UI & UX
Core Framework & Plugin System
Various logics & code (Optimization)
Various minor issues

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.7. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.6.3
October 5, 2022
Paddle Payment Gateway
Error 500 on Checkout for Customers with Regular License

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.6.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.6.2
September 22, 2022
Social Links in Bio Pages
Backup & Restore Tool 404

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.6.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.6.1
September 20, 2022
Force Browsers to Delete Cached JS File
Added a code to force browsers to use new JS file instead of cached file.

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.6.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.6
September 20, 2022
Paddle Payments
Stripe Portal Support
Users can now manage their subscription directly on Stripe when Stripe-hosted checkout is enabled
TikTok Pixel
OpenSea NFT Widget
Twitter Widget
Facebook Widget
Instagram Widget
Soundcloud Widget
Tagline Widget
Meta Image for Bio Pages
New Themes
Native Share icon
Sensitive Content Warning
Cookie Popup
Option to Toggle Verification System
Proxy Support
You can now add a proxy for all outbound requests in app/config/app.php
Sitemap Configuration
You can now enable or disable sitemap in app/config/app.php
Ability to Hash IP
You can now choose to hash IPs in app/config/app.php
New Admin Cleanup Tool
Bio Page UI
Dark Mode
Various UI Elements
Bio Pages Background Bug
Various Minor Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.6. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.5.1
September 8, 2022
Languages Files
Added missing languages strings. You can now Sync
Password Requirement

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.5.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.5
August 6, 2022
Verification System
Your users can now submit a document to get verified. You can also verify any user from the admin panel.
Language Targeting
You can now redirect users based on their browser language
Max Use for Coupons
You can define a maximum use for coupons
Added Campaign API
Added Channel API
Order Confirmation Page
Meta Image Support for Links API
SVG Logo Support
Link Search Filters
Animation to Bio Pages Links
Billing Name & Company Name
Bio Pages
Improved API System
Improved Core System
Improved Admin Link Management System
Various UI Elements
Security Checks
Plugin System
Vendors (Updated)
Bio Pages Theme Issue
Various Minor Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.5. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.4.3
June 20, 2022
VirusTotal Connection Issue
On some servers, VirusTotal was not responding.

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.4.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.4.2
May 31, 2022
Disable/Enable Bio Pages as Admin
An error when visiting a short url as admin
Minor Bugs & Improvements

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.4.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.4.1
May 26, 2022
Stats Links to Bio Links Widget
Margins to QR code
Manage channels under Link Edit
Option to remove Bio/QRs from channels
Option to ignore clicks when logged owners and admins click on a short link
An issue maps
An issue with monthly subscription when cancelled
Minor Bugs & Improvements

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.4.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.4
May 13, 2022
Users can now create channels to organize their items (links, qr or bio)
Bio Page / QR Duplication
Users can now easily duplicate QRs or Bio Page
Meta Data
Users can now define custom meta data for their bio pages
New Domain Email
Admin will receive an email when a new domain is added by a user
Return Back as AdminAdmin
Admins can now login as user and return back as admin without logging out
Anonymous Links
Better Filters
Better Filters in admin and user dashboard
Domains for QR
Users can now assign custom domains for QRs
Various UI Elements
Vendors (Updated)
Maps where Israel was not shown correctly
An issue with Campaigns
Various Bio UI elements
An issue with QR codes when large logos are uploaded
Minor Bugs & Improvements

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.4. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.3.3
April 21, 2022
Statistics Reset
You can now reset Bio Pages views
Statistics Reset
You can now reset QR Codes scans
An issue with Stripe-Hosted Checkout
An issue with Multilingual Pages
An issue with QR Codes
An issue where the QR code would not generate in gradient on older versions of ImageMagick
Date in Email Templates
Minor Bugs & Improvements

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.3.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.3.2
April 13, 2022
Font Selector
FontAwesome Icon Selector
Stripe-Hosted Payment Links
Notification Bell Read Status
Stripe API
Shortcuts Page
QR File Type & Static vCard
Minor Bugs & Improvements

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.3.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.3.1
April 9, 2022
Integrations Icons to Homepage
Country/States Selection
Installer Bug

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.3.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.3
April 8, 2022
Contact Form Widget
Users can add contact form in their Bio Page
Newsletter Form Widget
Users can add a newsletter widget in their Bio Page and can download emails as CSV in Edit Bio Page
Product Widget
Users can add custom products
HTML Widget
Users can add custom HTML
vCard Widget
Users can add a vCard Download button
Static vCard
Static vCard QR will not be downloaded in contrast to the dynamic one.
File Upload
Users can upload Images and PDFs and generate a QR code
WordPress Plugin Generator
The WP plugin can be used by anyone and all links will be saved in their account.
IOS Shortcuts Integration
The Shortcuts app allows you to instantly shorten links directly from iOS or MacOs.
DeepL Integration
You can use this to translate all the language file automatically using DeepL's free tier.
Admin Panel Language File
You can now translate the admin panel manually by copying the file in the translation folder.
API Language File
You can now translate the API page manually by copying the file in the translation folder.
Various Widgets
Various Integrations
Plugin Directory
API Platform
Various Elements
Various Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.2.1
January 28, 2022
Optimization Tools
Trial End Reminder Cron
Tax in Invoices
Links API
Bio Pages Links
Plugin Directory
Cron Jobs
An issue with Bookmarklet when Require Registration is On
Bookmarklets will now correctly assign urls to user's accounts.
An issue with IPv6
Various Minor Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.2.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.2
January 17, 2022
Tax Rates
Tax rates can now be added via the admin panel
Bio Widgets
Users can now add headings, image, rss and divider widgets
Advanced Bio Settings
Users can now password protect bio pages and add pixels as well as custom css code.
Coupon CTA
Users can now add coupon CTA
Trackable Crypto
Users can now create trackable crypto wallet address.
Trackable SMS
Users can now create trackable SMS qr.
Trackable vCard
Users can now track vcard qr.
Custom Frontpage Colors
You can now choose custom colors for the frontend
Captcha on Homepage
The homepage shortener will now display a captcha when enabled.
Plugin Directory
New plugin directory will list available plugins and admins can install free plugins with the click of a button.
Blog Rich Markup
Blog posts now include rich markup used by Google and other search engines.
FAQ Rich Markup
FAQs now include rich markup used by Google and other search engines.
Browser and Platform Detection
Browser and platform detection has been significantly improved.
Various Improvements
Various Minor Bugs
Minor Features

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.1.9
December 27, 2021
Child Theme Support
You can now easily customize default theme without worrying about updates. Check documentation.
GeoIP Database
Updated to the latest version of GeoIP
Theming Structure
Plugin Structure
Various Logics
Various UI and Dark Mode
An issue with SMS QR and WiFi
They are now non-trackable because not all browsers support their schemes yet.
An issue with Emails
Various Improvements
Various Minor Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.1.9. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.1.8
December 17, 2021
Domains API Endpoint
Pixels API Endpoint
Splash Page API Endpoint
CTA Overlay API Endpoint
Snapchat Pixels
Bing Pixels
Reddit Pixels
Landing Page
An issue with Teams
An issue with Campaigns
Various minor bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.1.8. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.1.7
December 10, 2021
An issue with Teams
An issue with Link Shortening

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.1.7. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.1.6
December 9, 2021
Bio Pages
You can view all bio pages in the admin panel.
QR Codes
You can view all QR codes along with their data in the admin panel.
Language Sync
You can now sync existing language files to add missing strings.
More Social Links
You can now add instagram and linkedin social links.
Reset Link Stats
Users can now reset statistics for each link.
More Stats in Statistics
Missing Translation Strings
You can now use the sync feature to add missing translation strings to your existing translation files.
Home Page Redirect
The field where your would add your link when in private now works without private if you want to redirect the home page to another page.
Various UI Elements
Various Logics
An issue with Teams
An issue with QR Code API
An issue with Social Login
Various minor bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.1.6. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.1.5
December 1, 2021
Various Logics
An issue with Link/Create API
Various minor bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.1.5. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Login as Admin and run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X

Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.

Version 6.1.4
November 26, 2021
Bio Pages
PayPal API lifetime payments when using coupons
Stripe declined payments handling
Social login issue when the username is empty
Shortening when upload a custom meta image
Various small bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.1.4. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.1.3
November 25, 2021
Default bio page
The old /u/@username is back and it will use the default bio page.
Old bio page importer
Added an importer for users to import their old bio page. It will show up in the bio manager page for each user to choose whether to import or not.
Pinterest Pixel
Campaign List
The old /u/@username/campaign-id is back and it will use the default bio page and will show 'bundle' list.
Missing translation strings in sample file
UI in various pages
Various logics
Various bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.1.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.1.2
November 21, 2021
An issue with plans
An issue where bio pages regenerating links
An issue with edit links
Virus total issue
Teams issue
Various bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.1.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.X
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.X for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.1.1
November 17, 2021
Various bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.1.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.0
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.0 for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.1
November 12, 2021
Various bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Updating from version 6.0
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run Updater at
Updating from version 5.9.X Please visit Upgrade to 6.0 for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 6.0
October 28, 2021
New Framework
QR Generator
Multiple Profiles
New UI
Lifetime Pricing
New Payment Gateways
Affiliate Module
New Custom Pages
much more

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 6.0. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 6.0, you will need to login as admin first before being able to run /update. As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Please visit Upgrade to 6.0 for a detailed guide on how to upgrade.
Version 5.9.9
April 30, 2021
Fixed a security issue

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.9.9. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way (Replace following files)
  1. includes/core.php
  2. includes/User.class.php
Version 5.9.8
March 10, 2021
Numerical Alias Stats Bug
Stripe Plan Sync Blank Page
Pricing Table Bug
Various Small Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.9.8. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.9.7
January 10, 2021
Poll Vote Button Translation Text
Added the option translate poll vote button
PayPal API Code
Improved API code so it works with new accounts and verified accounts.
Allowed Schemas
Improved schemas to allow schemas such as intent or mailto
Link Password Issue
Fixed an issue with password protected urls
Free Plans Issue
Fixed an issue with free plans
Fixed Permission Issue and Trial Countdown
Fixed an issue with permissions and trial days countdown

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.9.7. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.9.6
December 5, 2020
PayPal API Issue
Theme Editor CSS Bug
Various small bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.9.6. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.9.5
November 15, 2020
Dark Mode in Dropdown Menu
Users can toggle between Dark Mode directly in the dropdown menu in dashboard.
More HTML Flexibility in Announcement
Admins can now use any html tags in the announcements.
Statistics Bug
Fixed a bug that would select the wrong date based on the timezone.
Activation Link Issue
Fixed a bug where the activation link would not work due to increased security in previous updates.
Reset Password Link Issue
Fixed a bug where the forgot password link would not work due to increased security in previous updates.

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.9.5. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Hard way
  1. includes/Admin.class.php
  2. includes/App.class.php
  3. includes/User.class.php
  4. includes/core.php
  5. themes/cleanex/functions.php
  6. themes/cleanex/screenshot.png
Version 5.9.4
November 10, 2020
Developer API v2
New developer API allowing more flexibility and easier requests.
New Developer Page
New developer page with examples in both php and curl.
Dark Mode
Expanded dark mode for default theme to all pages.
Social Logins
Updated social logins to respect brand guidelines.
Dark Mode
Fixed some bugs in dark mode.
Various Small Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.9.4. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
  4. You will need to clear your browser cache and if you are using Cloudflare, make sure to release all cache.
Version 5.9.3
October 24, 2020
Pricing Table Responsiveness

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.9.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
  4. Since this update had many UI changes, you will need to clear your browser cache and if you are using Cloudflare, make sure to release all cache.
Version 5.9.2
October 20, 2020
Change Custom Alias
Users can now change the custom alias.
Custom Stats Range
Users can choose custom range.
Admin Panel
Cleaner admin panel with propre notification
Default Template
Cleaner default template
Shortening Speed
Faster website data parsing
Slack Integration
Manual Approval
Domains Bug
Updater Issue
Various Small Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.9.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
  4. Since this update had many UI changes, you will need to clear your browser cache and if you are using Cloudflare, make sure to release all cache.
Version 5.9.1
September 21, 2020
Manual Link Approval
Admins can now manually approve all links.
Include in Full-Page Script
Users can now use the include variable to limit the domains used with the full-page script.
Shortening Speed
Profile UTF8 Bug
Profile Logo Bug
Custom Domain Error
Various other bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.9.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
  4. Please run the file updater.php
Version 5.9
September 9, 2020
Google Tag Manager
Users will now be able to add a GTM via the pixels page.
Social Profile Builder
Users can now create a single profile with custom links and share the link to social platforms.
URL Reporting Tool
Users can now report links and admin easily ban the url or the domain.
Custom JS/CSS
Admin can now add custom js/css.
Multiple Domains for Pro
Admin can now restrict your domains to premium users.
Flush Tool with Date
Admin can choose the period to delete all links from.
Zapier Notification for Membership
You can add a Zapier URL to receive data when a user upgrades to pro.
PayPal API
Theme Options
UI and Default Theme
Bookmarklet Tool
Various Logics
Language Bugs
UI Bugs
Overlay Page Bugs
2FA Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.9. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
  4. Please run the file updater.php
  5. Since this update had many UI changes, you will need to clear your browser cache and if you are using Cloudflare, make sure to release all cache.
Version 5.8.2
May 27, 2020
Support for UTF8 Custom Alias
You can now use UTF8 such as emojis as custom alias.
Parameters Follow
If you send parameters after the short url, the script will follow them to the target site. E.g. the target site will inherit the uid=gempixel
Contact Form Toggle
You can now choose to enable/disable the contact form page.
URL Edit Bug
Language Generator Bug
Installation Bug

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.8.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Hard way (Run updater.php after replacing files)
  1. includes/App.class.php
  2. includes/Short.class.php
  3. includes/Main.class.php
  4. includes/User.class.php
  5. includes/core.php
  6. includes/languages/lang_sample.php
  7. admin/system/settings.php
  8. themes/cleanex/footer.php
  9. static/application.js (refresh cache after)
  10. updater.php
Version 5.8.1
May 22, 2020
Blank Page Redirect
The blank page was caused by a function known as idn_to_utf8. If you are getting the blank redirect page after upgrade to 5.8, update to 5.8.1 and contact your host to enable that function.

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.8.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way (Replace folder)
  1. includes/core.php
Version 5.8
May 19, 2020
Slack Integration
Zapier Integration
Free Trials
reCAPTCHA V2 and hCaptcha
Support for IDN domains
Featured Blog Image
Bot Detection
Multiple Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.8. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
  4. If you are experiencing issues with version 5.7.X, please run the file updater.php
Version 5.7.2
February 10, 2020
Multiple Domain Statistics
Updated Language Strings

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.7.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
  4. If you are experiencing issues with version 5.7.X, please run the file updater.php
Version 5.7.1
February 4, 2020
Update Description
You will now be provided with a description of the changelog in the admin interface.
FontAwesome icons on overlay pages
Bulk bundle feature

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.7.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.7
February 4, 2020
Two-factor Authentication (2FA)
Users can now use 2FA to add an extra layer of security in their account. They will need to use an app like Google Authenticator to login.
Contact Overlays
Users can now create a contact overlay when using the overlay feature. A contact form will popup out when visiting a short link.
Poll Overlays
Users can now create a poll overlay when using the overlay feature. A poll will popup out when visiting a short link.
Theme Revamped
Custom Alias as Premium
Custom alias can be now a premium feature. You need to update your plans and enable/disable this.
Disable Default Domain Shortener
You can now disable people from shortening using the default domain provided you have an extra domain.
API Key Regenerate
Users can now regenerate their API key.
IMPORTANT! Make sure to disabled recaptcha before updating or update your keys to v3.
Core Functions

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.7. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.6.5
November 26, 2019
Web Risk API
Google has made Safe Browsing only for private usage. For commercial usage, web risk API will need to be used. You will need to apply for a Web Risk API key.
Active Security Checks
The script will now continuously check links with Phishtank and Google and if one of these does not pass, the link will be blocked from being accessed.
Thumbnail Issue
The script will now use a random thumbnail provider.

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.6.5. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Hard way
  1. includes/Admin.class.php
  2. includes/App.class.php
  3. includes/Short.class.php
  4. includes/Main.class.php
  5. includes/User.class.php
  6. includes/core.php
  7. admin/system/settings.php
  8. themes/cleanex/shared/public_url_loop.php
Version 5.6.4
October 23, 2019
Phishtank now seems to enforce the username variable in their API although on their website it says it is not necessary. If you are using this feature, you need to run the updater.php file first and add your username in the admin security settings.
Links limit bug
Fixed a bug where links limit were not taken into account.

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.6.4. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Hard way
  1. includes/Admin.class.php
  2. includes/API.class.php
  3. includes/App.class.php
  4. includes/Short.class.php
  5. includes/Main.class.php
  6. includes/core.php
  7. admin/system/settings.php
  8. updater.php (to run)
Version 5.6.3
October 17, 2019
Blog Module
Enable the blog module via the admin panel and create posts.
Quora Pixel
Users will now be able to add quora pixels via the pixels page.
Canonical Meta Tag
New Language Strings
Added new language strings for the blog system and quora features.
API Link Bug
Fixed a bug where links shortened via the API was set as anonymous.
API Domain Bug
Fixed a bug where custom domain name was not associated correctly.
Small Fixes

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.6.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.6.2
October 8, 2019
New language Strings
Team permission bug
Fixed a bug where anyone was able to access dedicated team invite page and invite users.

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.6.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Hard way
  1. includes/User.class.php
  2. includes/core.php
  3. includes/App.class.php
  4. includes/languages/lang_sample.php
  5. themes/cleanex/shared/url_loop.php
Version 5.6.1
October 5, 2019
Edit team bug
Fixed a bug where it was not possible to edit a team member's permission.
Parameters bug
Fixed a bug where it was not possible to edit the parameters of link.
Anonymous shortening bug
Fixed a bug that prevent anonymous users from shortening links.

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.6.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy way
  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Hard way
  1. includes/Admin.class.php
  2. includes/User.class.php
  3. includes/core.php
  4. includes/Short.class.php
  5. themes/cleanex/page.php
  6. themes/cleanex/bundles.php
  7. themes/cleanex/domain.php
Version 5.6
October 3, 2019
Team Feature
This feature allows you to invite members to use the same environment as a team. You will be able to set permissions for each member.
Dark Mode
Only available in the default theme.
Custom Parameters
Set custom parameters such as UTM tags or any other parameters.
Restriction of Monthly Clicks
Restrict the number of counted clicks for each plan.
Bundles Toggle
Enable or disable bundles access for a specific plan.
Link Rotator
Use a special link to rotate links in a specific bundle.
Custom Domain API
Many Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.6. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.5
March 18, 2019
Custom schemes
Length of alias
Modify email messages
Unique clicks counter tracker
Choose domain
Pixels issues
Delete bundle issue
Advanced features display

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.5. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.4.3
February 22, 2019
edit pixels
forced upgrade for free users
custom domain url in user and admin panel

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.4.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.4.2
February 5, 2019
not found issue
pixels issue

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.4.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.4.1
January 31, 2019
404 issue

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.4.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.4
January 28, 2019
Auto updater
Theme API
custom domain issue
custom alias issue
newsletter issue
minor bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.4. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.3.1
January 10, 2019

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.3.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.3
January 1, 2019
Custom Plans
Multiple Domain Names
Multiple Overlays
Advertisement Module (in-script ads)
Newsletter Module
Script Tools
Easier Translation
Smart URL Check
Twitter Auth

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.2
October 3, 2018
Many New API Endpoints

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.1.1
July 8, 2018
custom domain name bug

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.1.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.1
June 22, 2018
Branded Domain Name
Multiple Pixels
Twitter Pixels
AdRoll Pixels
Favicon Upload
Allow Account Delete
Membership page
GDPR Compliance

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.0.2
May 14, 2018
Edit devices bug
Profile page bug
Shortening bug
Minor bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.0.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.0.1
April 26, 2018
Original OG Tags for Linkedin and Twitter
Bookmarklet Issue
Overlay JS bug
Edit meta title and description bug
Some CSS bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.0.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 5.0
March 15, 2018
Subscription module with Stripe
Automated payment management
New premium theme with many new features
Targeting Pixels
Link expiration
Homepage settings (stats, directory, history)
Full-Page script
Quick Shortening
New Tools page with instructions for user
Adblock detection
Default user type
Limit number for URLs for free users
Pricing page
Premium users more customization of URLs
Cookie Law Popup
Private mode redirection to another site
API Changes
Shortening speed
Performance improvements
Google Safe upgrade
Phishtank upgrade
GeoIP upgrade
Template fixes

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 5.0. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 4.3.1
October 8, 2017
Multiple Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 4.3.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 4.3
September 13, 2017
New overlay redirection type
OS & Device Stats
Device targeting
Speed & data handling
Some minor bugs
Some design bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 4.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 4.2.6
May 24, 2017
Facebook login

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 4.2.6. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 4.2.5
January 18, 2017

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 4.2.5. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 4.2.4
November 4, 2015
Multiple Bugs

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 4.2.4. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 4.2.3
July 20, 2015
Facebook Login
Redirect bug

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 4.2.3. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 4.2.1
October 3, 2014
Automatic redirect in splash page mode

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 4.2.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 4.2
September 18, 2014
New theme
Delete Anonymous URLs in the admin panel
Disable Pro Module
Public URL List
Google Connect

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 4.2. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 4.1
September 15, 2017
Membership Notice
Multiple Bugs
Anonymous history

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 4.1. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features
Version 4.0
September 12, 2017
New Template built on Bootstrap 3.1
New UI
Premium Features and PayPal integration
Redesigned Admin panel
Redesigned Theme Editor
Comprehensive Stats
Advanced User Dashboard with live stats

View Update Instructions

Follow the instruction below to update to version 4.0. Please backup your files and database in case something goes wrong. It is your sole responsibility if you lose files! We recommend replacing all files except includes/config.php as it is easier and faster. By default, this file will not be overwritten. If you see a list below with file names then you can replace only those files otherwise you will need to replace all files! As of version 5.4, you can use the automated updater in the admin panel of Premium URL Shortener to update without hassle.

Easy Way

  1. Backup your files and your database
  2. Upload new files to your server and overwrite your old files
  3. Run the file updater.php
  4. Once the update is completed, you should be able to use the new features