Take Your Business to the Next Level with These Five Free Marketing Resources

Take Your Business to the Next Level with These Five Free Marketing Resources

Whether you are just launching your business or have been up and running for a while you’re always looking for growth. There are different types to grow your business but marketing is certainly one of the most efficient ways. Many entrepreneurs equate marketing efforts with costly advertising campaigns but that doesn’t even scratch the surface of available options. This article will highlight five free marketing resources you could leverage to help grow your business. 

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5 Free Design Tools to Elevate Your Brand Assets

5 Free Design Tools to Elevate Your Brand Assets

Getting your branding right as a business owner is key to your overall success. For many entrepreneurs branding is an afterthought unfortunately. Whether it’s because they don’t have a design background, don’t have the budget for it or simply aren’t aware of the impact well thought out brand assets have on potential leads. This article will highlight 5 free design tools to help you elevate your brand assets. Even if you don’t have a design background you can easily leverage these resources. Best of all they won’t take away from your budget. 

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How to Design a Beautiful eCommerce Brand

How to Design a Beautiful eCommerce Brand

These days it’s easy to get an ecommerce store up and running. There are countless themes and integrations available. Platforms like Shopify, Magento and BigCommerce make life much easier for ecommerce entrepreneurs. Simply launching your website isn’t enough to build a professional brand however. Let’s look at some tips and design principles to help you build a beautiful and professional ecommerce brand. 

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